【同义词辨析】 2019-01-24 吵架quarrel-tiff
quarrel: implies a heated verbal clash followed by strained or severed relations: a bitter ~ that ended their friendship. (clash打斗冲突不和交锋to fight or disagree,如a clash of opinions/cultures/personalities观点/文化/个性冲突,本意是金属碰撞发出响声、交锋a metal object hitting another making a loud sound,如their swords clashed他们的剑碰到一起即交锋,又如Bayern's clash with Roma in the European Cup拜仁在欧洲杯赛中与罗马交锋) (sever用力分开特别是身体一部分implies a violent removal especially of a part, 如his arm has been severed by a chain saw他胳膊被锯断了,本例形容友谊断绝)
wrangle: suggests a noisy, insistent, often futile dispute: an ongoing ~ over the town's finances. 又如they were wrangling over/about money他们为钱争论 (dispute争议争论: 激烈的争论a heated argument, 如scientists dispute the reasons for the extinction of dinosaurs科学家争议恐龙灭绝原因)
altercation: suggests noisy, heated verbal quarreling often with blows: a violent ~ between pro- and anti-abortion groups.
squabble: implies childish and unseemly wrangling over a petty matter: the children constantly ~ over toys. (petty小不重要small and unimportant,如petty bourgeoisie小资产阶级, he was petty-minded and obsessed with details他小肚鸡肠满脑子鸡毛蒜皮. 下边的trifle和trivial意思一样,trivial字面意思是三叉路口的,表示琐碎是因为路口边闲话都不重要)
spat: implies a lively but brief dispute over a trifle: the couple averages a ~ a week. 注意: 1不要写成trife, 2 couple用单数
tiff: implies a trivial dispute marked by ill humor or hurt feelings but without serious consequence: a ~ that was forgotten by dinnertime.
quarrel吵架: 指激烈的语言冲突,使关系紧张甚至绝裂,wrangle争论: 表示不停的吵闹的却没有结果的争论争议,altercation吵打: 表示激烈吵架并打架,squabble小口角: 为小事争论,显得幼稚不得体,spat小口角: 为小事争论,激烈但时间短,tiff小口角: 为小事争论,影响心情但没什么后果
记忆方法: 1)首字母QWASST想成was qst曾是个问题<==吵架
3)吵架的意思是生气的争论mean an angry dispute.首字母QWASST想成was qst曾是个问题<==吵架